Sunday, May 9, 2010

Beautiful days

Today is Mother's Day!
It's gorgeous outside
I get to spend time with my family
which is always full of good laughs :)
Oh... and there's a Twins game on this afternoon too!

Maybe my life is different.
So different that I don't know what to expect
But that makes me happy
Life is boring when you know what's going to happen next week
and the week after that
and on and on.
Unpredictable life is fun.

I've been keeping busy and enjoying myself
I wish I could laugh forever
That's the best feeling :)
Ahhh and it's almost summer!!
I want to have picnics
and sunny days where I lay outside in the grass and watch the clouds

Enjoy the simple things
Be thankful for what you have
Don't focus on the bad.
I want to be more of a glass half full kind of person :)