Monday, May 24, 2010

Home sick

What am I to do when I feel home sick
when I'm sitting at home?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Everything is so fragile

didn't you realize that?

I've randomly become obsessed with Skins again, mostly because of Naomi/Emily
As pathetic as it is, this episode broke my heart.
It hurts to watch because it makes me feel the way I did when I was hurt
But hey... at least THEY end up together in the end!

(If you want to watch this, I only intended it to be the first 4 minutes)

We were special

Monday, May 17, 2010

You won't find love in a, won't find love in a hole

It takes more than fucking someone
to keep yourself warm.

Even though this song may be horrible to you,
it's a part of my past and therefore I like it.
It took me a while to listen to it again
but then I started singing it today in the shower

It inspired me to write this blog.
It made me think and realize some things:

1. I used to train myself to become obsessed with things. Even things I knew were bad, or things I knew I'd regret. I'm talking things as big as people, to things as small as listening to a song they liked over and over. As hard as its been, I'm glad I learned not to do this.

2. I have standards. I'm not the type to go from person to person to make myself feel special. I have learned to be alone. I actually kind of like it right now. Like... it's best that I don't find someone. It will happen when the time is right, and that isn't now... and maybe it won't be for a while. But I refuse to settle for something less than I deserve.

This song just makes me think of all the people who are too weak to be alone when they should be. I used to be one of them. But here I am, I taught myself that I am stronger when I'm alone. I feel sorry for the people who feel like they need someone all the time to feel important.

For now, I've got all the blankies in the world to keep myself warm :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tegan and Sara

I'm forever your fan.
Thank you for inspiring me in more ways than one
I hope to see you this summer!!
Here are 4 of my favorites of theirs:

Call It Off

The Ocean

This has always been my favorite... ignore the mullets! Dark Come Soon

Feel it in my Bones

And on another very side note: I think this is the most adorable thing in the world and I miss Skins (just watch the beginning part)

The Weekend

Yesterday was much needed!
Got out of the Eagan/Burnsville/Savage area
Did a ton of things I really enjoy doing :)
I don't really want all my posts to be lists of things I do, however too much funny shit happened and I don't want to forget it

1) Went to the zoo with Tyler, Emily, and Anthony
I've wanted to do that for so long!!

2) Went to Cosetta's... YUMMMMMMMM

3) Went to da park and talked under a beautiful tree :)
Also generated millions of brilliant ideas for True Life episodes
True Life: I'm Stranded on this beach
True Life: I have hands

4) Went to the fountains

5) Went for another walk

6) Went to Tori's and played Apples to Apples
Conclusion: it is more fun when you have to argue why you put that card down. My favorite answers were my beanie baby being dead answer, Barbara Walters, and Celine Dion's dangerous arms. Apparently Tyler is really upset about rust on metal. Bahahaha we were laughing so hard, it was a wonderful time :)

Lastly, I'd like to thank Drake for dedicating his song You da Best to Anne Frank... however I don't think I can forgive him for the whistle incident... he totally gave her position away. Hahahah we aren't horrible people or anything =p

I want every day of my summer to be as much fun as yesterday was :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Busy busy busy

Ahhh I haven't wrote on here in a couple days
I've been such a busy lady!!
Tomorrow is the last day of classes
Then I have 2 finals on Tuesday and Wednesday
Then BAM, it's summertime :)

I guess I'm posting this just to remind myself something:
I'm not ready to fall for anyone.
I'm not ready.
That would ruin everything.
It's okay to be alone right now :)
Cuddling with a pillow is sufficient enough for the time being =p

Okay, now that that is over with...

Ummmm what else?

My plans once school is over:
-start seeing a therapist
-read Eclipse
-live in the moment
-make smart choices with positive impacts

I'm sure this list will get much longer...
but here's to beginnings!

Okay, I don't even remember deciding to write this...
I need sleeps now :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

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<3 I've never felt so free <3

Ellie Goulding - Guns And Horses

Even though I don't really enjoy any of her other songs, I REALLY like this one. It grew on me. When I listen to it, nothing really comes to mind... I just like to sing it and I want to dance the way Ellie Goulding does during the chorus :) She's so adorable at 2:12!!

About to go take my first final... have I mentioned how excited I am for school to be over?! ;)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Beautiful days

Today is Mother's Day!
It's gorgeous outside
I get to spend time with my family
which is always full of good laughs :)
Oh... and there's a Twins game on this afternoon too!

Maybe my life is different.
So different that I don't know what to expect
But that makes me happy
Life is boring when you know what's going to happen next week
and the week after that
and on and on.
Unpredictable life is fun.

I've been keeping busy and enjoying myself
I wish I could laugh forever
That's the best feeling :)
Ahhh and it's almost summer!!
I want to have picnics
and sunny days where I lay outside in the grass and watch the clouds

Enjoy the simple things
Be thankful for what you have
Don't focus on the bad.
I want to be more of a glass half full kind of person :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

The perfect medicine

On a rainy day, laughter with the people who will always be there for you is the perfect medicine

If I spent time with you today, I really appreciate your existence and thanks for making me smile :)

P.S. rain go away!! I have 4 more days off and I would enjoy to spend some time outside in the sun

Not going to lie... I'm REALLY excited for cosmic bingo tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I just wanted to mention something
considering it's almost mothers day

I don't know where the fuck I would be in this world without my mom.
I need to stop being such a downer and realize
I have a hero.
I have someone to look up to every single day
Someone who will never abandon me.
It scares the fuck out of me to think about losing her.
It's one of those things I just can't wrap my mind around
Imagining my life without her in it is my biggest fear.
I'm so happy her health is doing better for the time being.
I wish I could just have a healthy mom.
If you have that, never take it for advantage.
My biggest wish is that one day she will be able to live normally.
She deserves that much.

I wouldn't be Casey without my entire family.
No matter what, they'll always be here for me.
I need to acknowledge that more and appreciate them for that.
I love them to the moon and back.

I'd also like to take a second and hope that Theresa's friend Amie, who's in the hospital, is doing okay <3

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My heart is pounding

After all this time
how can you still have this effect on me?


I wonder if...

in 5 years
I'll look back at my life now and mock myself.
That's what I do when I look back on the old me
I wonder if I'll even remember being this way
or even notice how I've changed...
how I've grown up.

My whole life I've been trying to create this person with potential.
I honestly think I'm getting there
I may have taken the scenic route,
but I believe in myself.
I believe I have all the motivation and strength to accomplish anything realistic that I desire.

Nothing can hold me back now.
I see the world through clear eyes.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I can't wait to find you.
When I do, none of this will matter :)

I don't know how long I can keep pretending anymore

I feel so small.
So Empty.
So useless.
So alone.
So weak.

I never saw it coming to this
Doing the right thing is hard.
Especially when a part of you doesn't want to.

I don't think anyone will ever understand
just how hard this is on me.

Letting go.
I'm on my own.
Where did you go?
I refuse to lie to please
You’ll be blind without me.
You let yourself go.
You’re on your own.

In a way this counteracts my last post…


First of all…

Today is the start of the most wonderful month of the school year: May.
Summer is almost already here.
I am beyond ready for this.
One more year of hard work down.
Pretty proud of myself… can’t lie.
This year has been my biggest struggle so far.
Not only in school… but pretty much every aspect.
But check me out, I still have a positive attitude 8)

I decided no matter what has happened in the past, it can never be erased.
I can never undo what has been done.
I will never forget.
But the funny thing is that I don’t want to.
Maybe you never get over some things
But rather you’re just forced to move on
Even if the thoughts are burned in the back of your mind.

I feel like I should have more hate.
I feel like I’m too forgiving
Even I don’t understand why.
But no matter what, I care.
Nothing will ever stop me.

You can do no wrong in my eyes

Maybe that makes me crazy
and naive.
Whatever it makes me,
thats who I am.
And I’m not going to change to fit your mold.
I’ll do things my way.
Even if sometimes it ends up hurting me.

Note to self:
I’d rather experience and feel things than be numb.

This post was inspired by the song Hearing Damage by Thom Yorke


Today Today Today…

I got my hair cut
and while I was sitting in the chair
La Roux - I’m Not Your Toy came on
Little things like this make my day

I don’t need much to make me happy.

Now, I can smile even when I’m all alone :)

Tonight Tonight Tonight…

I’m going speed dating…
should be interesting!

I enjoy pushing myself to do new things.
I decided I hate being predictable.

Here’s to a future full of I don’t know whats =D

then & NOW

I used to think I knew who I was.
I thought I had my life figured out.
But, just when life gets too comfortable,
everything falls apart.

I’m not dwelling on that anymore.
Instead, I’m choosing to learn from it.
Build a new person.
A new me.
Emotional, yet strong.
Ready for whatever happens.
You never know when life will throw you a curve ball.

Instead of crumbling to the ground,
take that as an advantage to learn and grow.
Life with no experience is no life at all.
One can only truly experience happiness if they’ve also experienced pain.

Times like these aren’t easy,
but they say that these are the times you learn the most about who you are.
All I know is I see things differently now.
I’m thinking that’s a positive outcome.

I don’t know who I am anymore
and that’s okay.