Monday, May 17, 2010

You won't find love in a, won't find love in a hole

It takes more than fucking someone
to keep yourself warm.

Even though this song may be horrible to you,
it's a part of my past and therefore I like it.
It took me a while to listen to it again
but then I started singing it today in the shower

It inspired me to write this blog.
It made me think and realize some things:

1. I used to train myself to become obsessed with things. Even things I knew were bad, or things I knew I'd regret. I'm talking things as big as people, to things as small as listening to a song they liked over and over. As hard as its been, I'm glad I learned not to do this.

2. I have standards. I'm not the type to go from person to person to make myself feel special. I have learned to be alone. I actually kind of like it right now. Like... it's best that I don't find someone. It will happen when the time is right, and that isn't now... and maybe it won't be for a while. But I refuse to settle for something less than I deserve.

This song just makes me think of all the people who are too weak to be alone when they should be. I used to be one of them. But here I am, I taught myself that I am stronger when I'm alone. I feel sorry for the people who feel like they need someone all the time to feel important.

For now, I've got all the blankies in the world to keep myself warm :)

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